本公司是一家长期专注于五金深加工,铁艺制品设计生产及表面处理的专业化企业,厂房面积1500平方米,拥有大型生产加工冲床15台,中型小液压冲床10台,自动抛光机三台,员工30人,设计及模具师傅五名,年产值1000万人民币,坐落于浙江沿海的贸易中心城市义乌城南工业区,交通十分便利。 公司秉承为客户一站式服务的理念,利用各种现代化加工机械及先进的表面处理技术力求为客户提供最满意的解决方案及优质产。企业的核心竞争力源于持续不断的创新能力,公司本着敢于承担社会责任,客户至上的宗旨,紧跟时代步伐,推陈出新,将企业做强、做久。 亿标展示器材厂的成功是建立在广大客户和业内同仁的支持之上的,我们竭诚欢迎海内外新老朋友前来洽谈、合作,携手发展,共创美好明天!
The company is a long-term focus on deep processing hardware, design and production of iron products and surface treatment of specialized enterprises plant area of ??1500 square meters, with 15 sets of large-scale production and processing punch, medium-small hydraulic presses 10 units, automatic polishing machine three employees30, design and master mold nameless, the annual output value of 10 million yuan, is located in the Zhejiang coastal city of Yiwu trade Center industrial area south of the transportation is very convenient. , Adhering to the concept of one-stop service for customers, using a variety of modern processing machinery and advanced surface treatment technology and strive to provide customers with the most satisfactory solutions and high-quality production. The core competitiveness of enterprises from the continuous innovation ability, the company of the courage to shoulder social responsibility, customer first, the purpose of keeping pace with the times, get rid of the enterprises bigger and stronger, so long. Billion standard display equipment factory's success is built on top of the support of our customers and industry colleagues, we sincerely welcome new and old friends at home and abroad came to negotiate, cooperation, joint development and create a better tomorrow!
- 所在地区:浙江省金华市浦江县
- 行业分类:普通机械制造业
- 地址:浙江 金华 浦江县 黄宅镇后江村
- 邮编:322200
所在地:浙江省金华市经营范围:纸货架;纸展示架;纸展示盒;雪弗板展示架;挂钩展示架;纸地堆 所在地:浙江省杭州市经营范围:热点频道,新品上市,热销产品,现货产品,店铺道具功能,收银台 所在地:浙江省杭州市经营范围:杭州名片 杭州会展策划制作 杭州写真 杭州喷绘 杭州 所在地:浙江省杭州市经营范围:灯箱,橱柜,广告、展览器材,展示柜,展示架,促销台 所在地:浙江省宁波市经营范围:展示架 展示柜 精品展示柜 玻璃展示柜 钛合金货架 宁波展示 所在地:浙江省金华市经营范围:X展架,易拉宝,商场POP架,拉网展架,注水旗杆,灯箱,促销 所在地:浙江省金华市经营范围:网上销售、实物现场批发:日用百货、珠宝首饰、展示架、玩具、箱 所在地:浙江省金华市经营范围:海报架,三角架,伸缩立牌,铝画框,灯箱,铝材, 所在地:浙江省金华市经营范围:护栏;手推车;沙滩旗;X架;易拉宝;广告发光字;海报架;促销